in alphabetical order
AOM - Award of Merit
BBIS - Best Brace in Show
BIS - Best in Show
BISS - Best in Specialty Show
BPIS - Best Puppy in Show
BVIS - Best Veteran in Show (over 7 year old)
CA - Chase Ability
Ch - Champion (AmCh - American Champion)
CGN - Canine Good Companion
GCh - Grand Champion
IABCA - International All-Breed Canine Association
MSBIS - Multiple Specialty Best in Show
MSBOS - Multiple SPecialty Best of Opposite Sex
NS - Novice Sprinter
NSBIS - National Specialty Best in Show
NSBPIS - National Specialty Best Puppy in Show
RBIS - Reserve Best in Show
SBBIS - Specialty Best Brace in Show (MSBBIS = multiple)
SBIS - Specialty Best in Show
SBOS - Specialty Best of Opposite Sex
SBPIS - Specialty Best Puppy in Show (MSBPIS = multiple)
SBVIS - Specialty Best Veteran in Show (MSBVIS = multiple)
TD - Therapy Dog